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 Know Your Data develops innovative data solutions for the public sector that combine open data with organizational data and are based on analytical models of policy design

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Interactive Tools

Creating interactive tools to make complex public policy data accessible, with the aim of promoting transparency and involving stakeholders in the decision-making process.

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Developing analytical models that position the policy design process on a timeline, allowing for optimal analysis to meet decision-making needs.

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Open Data

Collecting open administrative resources and expertise in integrating them with intra-organizational sources to create a comprehensive picture of reality.

Our Tools: Composition of complex data, analytics and policy design


City Explorer


Interactive tool for municipal data analysis

 Our work: what clients do with our tools

Israeli Ministry of Health, 2020-2023

The Israeli sewage system is sampled every week in laboratory tests to protect public health.

By analyzing the laboratories results, using advanced statistical models of predictive analytics, we have created an alerts system for the Ministry of Health.

The system indicates Covid-19 outbreak a few days before it happens. The system enables policymakers prepare healthcare plans for future scenarios.


Joint-Ashalim, 2021-2023

Interactive indicators map tool, which enables continuous measurement of municipal social mobility.


The tool migrates hundreds of indicators through complex data pipelines and datasets.


In accordance, the end-users can analyze the weaknesses and strengths of municipal social mobility.


The tool helps municipalities and government organizations to create one language and version of truth in the social mobility filed. In addition, it helps decision makers in Israeli government and municipalities to develop and measure intervention plans.

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Jerusalem Municipality, 2021-2023

Development of a data-center platform that migrates multiple data sources to develop work plans.


The data-center assists decision-makers and community leaders in planning the annual work plan with regards to issues that can have the greatest impact on resident satisfaction.


The platform includes various topics such as education, self-security, culture etc., and analyze which of these topics should be given priority for improving resident satisfaction in each neighborhood.


The platform offers tailor-made dashboards for different roles, allowing each professional department to analyze its own customized perspective.


Jewish Peoplehood Coalition, 2020-2022

Mapping Social Field to Promote Cooperation Between Social Organizations

Mapping and collecting data over hundreds of social organizations and government organizations operating in the Jewish Peoplehood field in Israel.


The data is collected by the organizations themselves, using a dedicated application which enables data input and updates.


The collected data is processed and served back to the organizations through an interactive dashboard. The dashboard includes an index, where an organization can be searched by content domains and create collaborations; an analysis tool, where users can explore current and historical events in the field; and an insight report, which allows to identify trends and make decisions.


The data collected continuously on a quarterly basis by organization representatives and provides an up-to-date picture of the field.


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